Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Harris Hawk Aloft

Today I made my maiden voyage to the Arizona Sonora Desert Museum. It was a breathtaking stroll through all of the plants, animals, and exhibits. They have a raptor exhibit that is quite exciting and informative. The Museum is supported mostly by a large crew of dedicated volunteers. Shortly after my buddies and I arrived, the scheduled Raptor show was getting underway. Today was Harris Hawk day. The volunteers cast the Raptors to the sky and narrate as the Hawks play out their hunting and social behaviors. One flew down so close to my head that I felt his feathers graze my ear. It was rather exhilarating!

After spending about four hours exploring the museum, I realized that I would be needing to make another trip out that way again soon. There is just too much beauty to take in in only one day.

This Hawk takes a low pass. I have a whole bunch of great shots from the Museum, and as soon as I get them processed, I'll post more.

A couple of Goldfinches stopped in for a sip the other day.

I was surprised this afternoon when I found this shot of a Cardinal coming in for a landing at the top of the waterfall.
Thanks for visiting, glad you stopped by.


Diane AZ said...

I agree there is so much to see at the Desert Museum, that you need more than one day to take it all in. Great pictures, looking forward to more!

lyn said...

'Exhilarating' is an interesting description with a raptor coming that close to your head! LOL. LOVE that cardinal shot. I can almost hear the screech of his brakes!